Friday 8 June 2012

4th of June - Monday, leaving for Suva 
As we prepared to depart from Lautoka we had one final monday mornin base worship with our YWAM Lautoka friends. We then spent the day travellin to Suva where we met our contacts Pastor David and Pastor Ted, and settled into our new home at the Faith Fellowship Church. We now plan to head to the Island on the 14th, and spend a week there. We will be the first Christian Missionaries to ever visit the village. 
Tuesday, we spent the day praying for people at the hospital. Several people were healed, including a man who previously couldn’t move due to a stroke, and a woman who also couldn’t speak due to a stroke. These times have been really important encouragements to the team, and just show us how powerful God really is. We also spent an hour with Pastor Eli and his congregation praying. 
On Wednesday the boys were able to go do prison ministry, and were given a full hour in the cells to preach to the prisoners about whatever was on their hearts. This was a great opportunity, and they all enjoyed having the freedom to speak about what God was doing in their lives and try and connect with the prisoners. Whilst the boys were at the prison, the girls were invited to the house of a family who had two demon posessed daughters that the church was praying for. The girls are unable to attend school as one would always pass out and be unable to continue studying, and the other felt pains in her hands and feet, like that of needles, whenever she even contemplated studying. We prayed for the girs, but the demons refused to leave. We were still encouraged by the faith this family had and the strength they showed, regardless of their situation. 
In the evening we all headed down to the beach where the boys enjoyed a game of football with the pastors, and we had a barbeque. We also had the opportunity to hear Pastor David’s testimony, a Hindu convert to Christianity.  
Thursday, we spent the day at the most beautiful beach in Fiji, and then went to a local house where we had the opportunity to worship and pray with the people Pastor David and Ted had invited. Again, many with bad backs, legs and eyes were healed, which continued to encourage the team. We are planning to return on Monday to pray for more people and share the gospel with them. 
Finally, Friday, our most busy day, we went and prayed for a family in one of the poorer areas of Fiji. What amazed us most was their faith in amidst their struggles. Due to the discernment of the patriarch of the family, they all cancelled their plans for the day and awaited our arrival as he felt in the spirit that someone was coming from the Church. We 
were able to assist God in the healing of the Grandmother, Grandfather and daughters of the house. In the evening we led the church service, and the family with the two posessed daughters also attended. The demon began to manifest mid-service and some of the team were able to help deliver her. This was an amazing chance to see God’s divinity and power. Please pray for the family that this demon does not return, as it has been cast out before but returned. The team were still in very high spirits however! We were also able to perform one of our skits, and lead a time of prayer for the congregation. 
We are very much enjoying our time in Fiji, and although it may be tiring at times, the way in which God is moving so much and so much at work continues to keep us going. 
Please pray for the Khan family and their daughters, please pray for Pastor David’s ministry, particularily for it’s Hindu outreach and pray for our teams continued health - Katie is currently suffering from a kidney infection, but is staying strong, and we have some nasty infections that in lingering in cuts! 
Thank you, and we appreciate your prayers for the team! God Bless, Fijippines.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Philippines Week 3 and 4 & Fiji Week 1!
Just before our outreach to the Island of Catanduanes we were able to speak on a local radiostation, full on share the Gospel and a bit about what we’re doing in the Philippines, sing, and the boys were invited to play basketball at the local arena with the radio station team. We were also able to meet the Governor of the province, which is very rare so we were very lucky to have the opportunity to meet and pray with him as a group. 
Our week on the Island of Catanduanes was eventful! Going there, we had no real plan of where to stay and sleep, but we were made very welcome by a local church and were able to stay there for our entire trip. Provision! With the Upright Generation we were able to organise an open air event and perform our various skits, share our testimonies and share about God’s love for the Island. Almost 100 people came and a lot of them came up to be prayed for after the performance! After almost crashing on the way, we strongly had it on our hearts to visit a village on one of the Mountains, where we went door to door to pray for people and after a sketchy climp to the top of the mountain worshipped and proclaimed God’s name over the whole entire Island. 
We left the Island and for our final week were able to meet with people in the community. We spent time with the blind families and the orphans who live with our contact Pastor Pat. Their joy blew our minds! It humbled us all to see these women and men worship more passionately than a lot of other Christians, and their faith was really inspiring to the whole team, and their faith in God to rely on him to provide for their needs. 
The Upright’s gave us an amazing send off, with skits, songs they’d written and a fantastic dinner. We headed to the Philippines capitol, Manila, where one of the friends we’d made with the Upright’s had kindly offered us a place to stay for the few days we were there. Whilst there we were able to debrief as a team, prepare for Fiji and spend some time at the largest mall in Asia. 
We spent a day in Brisbane airport whilst on our way to Fiji, where we welcomed the visit of our DTS leaders Luke and Bethany Roque, and Mallory who all brought encouragement, news and of course, food. After 19 hours at the airport we were finally able to board our plane to Fiji to start the second part of our outreach. 
FIJI! We were greeted by our contact Koto, a member of the YWAM Fiji - Lautoka base, who took us to our home for the next week. We were very blessed with our time in Lautoka, we were able to join the base in worship and some of us went to the local girl’s school church and the opportunity to share with them. On Tuesday we met with a local pastor and did door to door evangelism in the local area. This allowed us to meet with local families and pray for them. We also visited the local hospital and were able to pray for healing for those we encountered. And some pretty sweet things happened there! Some of the patients that we prayed for got released the next day! Praise God! For example, we prayed for a woman with heart problems, as after the visit she was able to go home. There was also a man with lung cancer who was able to speak to us about his life, and how Jesus had raised him from the dead, and how now, he was going to go out and preach his word which was really encouraging. 
A small local church, and go out as part of Operation Christmas child to houses affected by the flooding in May. This was another great way to evangelise and show God’s provision to those whose homes were devastated by the floods. We concluded our trip with a day off to a local beach, and spent the day relaxing and enjoying our last weekend in Lautoka. 
Tomorrow, Monday, we are off to Suva, where we will stay with our second contact Pastor David for a couple days. It will be a new adventure, since on Wednesday we will take a 5 hour boat ride to a remote village on Kadavu island. Very are pretty excited for what God’s going to do there! 
Please pray for the continued health of our team, passion for the last 3 weeks of outreach, guidance from the Holy Spirit and team unity - of course. Mallory has opted to spend some quality time with her family so please pray for her continued recovery, and please pray for our time on the island and that God will transform that community and change lives! Sorry it’s been so long since the last update, things have been very busy, but thank you for reading! 

Saturday 12 May 2012


At the weekend we were able to go to Pastor Pat's home and meet around 8-10 blind people that he currently houses. We were able to pray with them, worship with them, and found them all to be a thoroughly inspiring group of people! We were also able to take a 'skate' over to the house which is a small petrol fueled cart on the tracks which could be picked up and physically moved whenever we encountered another one along the track, which, as you can imagine was quite an adventure!

This week the team was involved in the kids camp, 'Kingdom Builders 4'. Each one of us was assigned a nation, which they then combined to make joint groups of about 10 campers in each nation.

Every day would start with a 6 am wake up and exercise, followed by group devotions, breakfast leading into a 'WordFeast' led by David Victory, a guest speaker from the YWAM Sunshine Coast. Activities in the week included many games, dances, but also 'local outreach' which involved taking the teams out into the neighborhood to assist with any household/chores that needed doing for people in the surrounding area. The purpose of this was to bless the area, but also an evangelism technique to create opportunities for the kids to speak to people about their faith and also to invite them to a 'Harvest night' where each team would perform a skit/drama/song etc, illustrating a message about God. At the end of this event, almost the whole audience stood up to receive Jesus. That was one crazy moment!

The kids from the camp were great speaking and translating for the Ywamers, and we even had opportunities to heal two people with seperate disabilities! This was a great encouragement not just for the team but also an eye opener for the kids to really see God's power. In the end of the camp, 30 of the campers were baptized and 5 re-baptized, which was an amazing result to see so many of them giving their lives to Christ!

We all had an amazing time discipling, and getting to know Pastor Pat's 'Upright Generation', who organized the whole thing, but we are now enjoying a day of rest and getting ready for a week of evangelism on the island of Catanduanes.

Please pray for Steph's ear as she currently had an ear infection, Pia's ear, who has a hole in her eardrum, Jason's foot as it is currently mildly infected and Mallory, who is getting some well needed rest back home but prayers that she could join us in Fiji fit and healthy Im sure will be much appreciated! Please also pray for our hearts stay open for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for boldness to walk in his power and for many more people to come to know Christ here in the Philippines!

Thanks for all your support,

Team Fijippines

Thursday 3 May 2012

We arrived safely in Naga after many problems arising! First a broken down van, then a forgotten wallet, and an interesting sleep in Manilla international airport.

We were warmly welcomed by Pastor Pat and the Upright Generation, and have spent our days mixing cement, cutting down bamboo, waxing floors and playing table tennis!

On Monday we celebrated Megan's 19th birthday, and spent the day settling in, cracking coconuts with machetes and laying cement for a new building that is going to be used as a base for the feeding program.
On Tuesday the 'Upright Generation' welcomed us and the YWAM Sunshine Coast Skate team which involved much singing, dancing and fun!
Yesterday we learnt the dances, and prepared for the upcoming Youth camp we will be staffing with Pastor Pat and his crew, and in the evening we were able to go to a care home in Naga. Whilst we were there we were able to perform songs and dances, and were able to pray for several of the women there. Stephanie and Charlotte prayed for a woman who'd had a stroke, and had lost the feeling in her right hand and afterwards she said she felt a healing in it, which was more than encouraging for the team!
We then went out in teams after dinner to Naga, where we attempted some street ministry. Jeff and Katie were able to heal several women who had knee problems, and Pia and Casey were able to speak to some Filippino prostitutes, one of whom really responded to the gospel word. He also showed interest in coming to the youth camp, which again was very encouraging!

Today, we had a day off, so the team went to the air conditioned Mall, followed up by a sweet time at the CWC Water Park, which had a wipe out style course and wake boarding, which some of the team decided to have a go at!

Tomorrow we hope to return to the care home and pray with some more of the women, as many were asleep when we arrived! We are also planning on doing a homeless feed in the mountains with Pastor Pat, and a visit to an orphanage! We are continuing to prepare for the camp, which will have a very hectic schedule, so please pray for us.

Please also pray for the continued health of the team, radical love, the youth camp coming up, and that we can continue to seek God's will for our trip! Could you also pray for Mallory, our third team leader who is still in the Sunshine Coast recovering, with hopes to join us in Fiji!

Thank you, and God Bless

Team Fijippines!

Thursday 26 April 2012

2 Days to Go...
The team is currently gearing up to get ready to head off to the Philippines on the 28th of April! In total they will spend two months away on missions, spending one month in the Philippines and then another in Fiji. During their stay in the Philippines they will be spending the first week preparing for a youth camp with Pastor Pat, the YWAM's Philippine contact, then acting as leaders at the camp for the second week. The camp is for youth aged from 12-25 years old, and will involve Christian teachings and sport etc. Will give you further updates when it happens! In Fiji we will be spending some time at the YWAM base, doing ministries and local outreach. We also may be assisting manually due the destruction caused by the recent flooding in Fiji.

Prayer requests are:
All the flights go smoothly
The health of Mallory, one of three of the leaders who is having to stay behind due to health reasons!
Unity and effectiveness of the Group
That we are able to effectively and appropriately witness to those we are going to speak to